Alternate directions were also presented, two of which are shown below. In the first, the baby bird moves gradually from the nest to taking flight. The second acknowledges that they’re all little monsters. Adorable, lovable, wonderful monsters.

Park Nicollet Health Services asked us to develop an identity system for their Pediatrics department. They wanted a logo that would be as relevant to an 18-year-old patient as a newborn. Instead of one singular logo, we developed a system of logos that grows with the patient. The color palette builds with each age category and complements Park Nicollet’s corporate purple. We incorporated the existing Park Nicollet logotype so it would live comfortably with the Caring for Kids mark. “Caring for Children” was the original name for the pediatrics department. We suggested that “Caring for Kids” would be warmer and friendlier, and might work better for an older teen who might be opposed to being called a child.
Alternate directions were also presented, two of which are shown below. In the first, the baby bird moves gradually from the nest to taking flight. The second acknowledges that they’re all little monsters. Adorable, lovable, wonderful monsters.
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