Joanie Bernstein

Art Rep

We’ve been collaborating with Joanie Bernstein, Art Rep, and her artists since 1991. Since that time, we have created two identity systems, years of Workbook pages, and numerous promotions for Joanie and her illustrators. From the very beginning, one thing that’s been a constant is the use of tactile materials and everyday objects as a design vernacular. This has found us searching in trash heaps, paper warehouses, and restaurant supply catalogs to score flocked wallpaper, stacks of never-been-used waxy butter wrappers, and foil hot dog bags. It’s had us hand-cutting rolls of vintage wallpaper into sheets for letterpress printing–and enjoying every minute of it. We have boxes of remainder papers in our basement waiting for the next “Joanie” project.

It has always been important for Joanie to have an identity that is visible and powerful, but which can also sit back when needed so individual artists can enjoy the spotlight. Even when a piece does not feature a strong Art Rep logo, its tactile quality helps identify the illustrator as a Joanie Bernstein artist.


Over the years, we’ve done several versions of custom printed packing tape, which is an easy way to brand each package, box or envelope that goes out the door. The ads below were published in various illustration books and magazines.

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Elvis Swift, Dearest promotion: each folder was unique, containing different pieces of vintage wallpaper, pages cut from paperback romance novels, bingo sheets and old discolored envelopes, just to name a few. All pieces were lovingly letterpress printed.


Werner Design Werks
1229 Payne Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55130

(651) 291-2660